NEB result from internet

NEB class 11 and class 12 result from internet

option 1

option 2

The National Examination Board (NEB) is Nepal’s overseeing organization for the administration of secondary and higher secondary level exams. NEB, a statutory organization within the Ministry of Education of the Government of Nepal, was established in 1971. The major goal of NEB is to guarantee high standards of education through the administration of fair, trustworthy, and reliable tests and evaluations.

The School Leaving Certificate (SLC), Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB), and Technical Education Examination are just a few of the various exams that NEB administers. For pupils to continue on to upper secondary education, they must pass the SLC exam, which is administered at the national level. For students who have completed their higher secondary education and intend to continue their study in colleges or universities, the HSEB test is held. For students who are interested in pursuing technical and vocational education, the Technical Education Examination is held.

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